Children's Resources

Contentment Series

This month, we head into a brand new series about contentment! We’ll join Alice in her bike repair shop and learn about being okay with what we have. It isn’t always easy but we don’t have to do it alone, God has the power to help our hearts be content.

Contentment | Week 1 | November 7, 2021

This month, join Alice in her bike repair shop as we head into a brand new series about contentment! Learning to be okay with what we have isn’t easy but, as we’ll discover with the Apostle Paul, we don’t have to do it alone. God is with us and has the power to help our hearts be content.

Contentment | Week 2 | November 14, 2021

Join us as we return to the UpCycle, Alice’s bike repair shop, to discover more about contentment! As Alice has discovered firsthand, it’s not wrong to want things, but it’s never fun when wanting more makes you miserable. Tune in this week to hear a crazy, true Bible story, and find out what Jesus had to say about what’s truly important.

Contentment | Week 3 | November 21, 2021

All month long we’ve been learning about contentment, which is learning to be okay with what you have. Contentment can be especially challenging in seasons when we are waiting for something we want. But, as Alice—bike repair extraordinaire—has learned, even in tough times, there’s often lots for which we can be thankful. Join us this week to hear about some whiny wilderness wanderers and how God’s goodness is around us.