Children's Resources

John: Jesus Is

New year, new series! In this month’s series, we’re learning different ways Jesus is described and getting to know the life of Jesus a little bit more. 

This month we’re reading the gospel of John! Have you ever been curious what God is like? If ever you wonder, just remember what Jesus is like! Because Jesus came to show us what God is like – kind, generous, honorable, worthy of glory and praise… God is LOVE! 

John: Jesus Is | Week 1 | January 1st, 2023

Jesus is the light of the world, and the Savior of all people. Even though he existed before the beginning of the world, he entered the world created for us to show us his incredible, magnificent light.

Jesus is what God is like, and he shows us in many different ways throughout the Bible. We hope you’ll join us this month as we read through the book of John and discover more of who Jesus is.

John: Jesus Is | Week 2 | January 8th, 2023

Let’s talk nicknames! Have you ever been called something other than your given name by a loved one? Nicknames can be endearing when they’re used to express something unique and specific about us. 

Today’s story comes from the gospel of John, written by John the apostle. We’ll learn about another John, nicknamed John the Baptist, who was Jesus’ cousin. 

Some people confused John the Baptist with Jesus, but John made it clear that Jesus was the Great Rescuer, the Lamb of God, not him. John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God to let people know who the true Messiah was – because lambs were used as sacrifices for sins in their culture, and Jesus came to be the perfect, spotless, final sacrifice for all our sins.

John: Jesus Is | Week 3 | January 15th, 2023

Today we’re continuing reading in the gospel of John, where we’re learning what God is like. 

Last week we heard the story of when Jesus was called the Lamb of God – one of his nicknames! 

Well, when two people saw Jesus and heard that nickname, they started following him! They also told their friends and relatives the good news that Jesus was the Lamb of God, who’d come to take away the sin of the world. 

The two people became disciples of Jesus, and so did the people they shared the good news with! The disciples couldn’t keep the good news of Jesus inside, they just had to share with others. Have you ever been so excited about something, you just had to share it with everyone you love? Today’s Big Idea is: Jesus is worth sharing with others! Because Jesus truly is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, and that is news worth sharing!

John: Jesus Is | Week 4 | January 22nd, 2023

Today we’re continuing through the gospel of John, learning about how Jesus shows us what God’s Kingdom is like. 

Our story takes place at a wedding, where the couple celebrating had run out of wine for their guests – which was a big deal in that day. Mary, Jesus’ mother, was attending the wedding alongside Jesus and his disciples, and she asked Jesus to help the couple.

Jesus’ turned water into wine – the best wine anyone at the wedding had ever tasted. This miracle was known to his mother, the wedding servants, and his disciples.

John: Jesus Is | Week 5 | January 29th, 2023

Today we’re finishing our series in the gospel of John, learning about how Jesus shows us what God is like.

Our Big Idea this week is: Jesus is God, and only God can judge.

In today’s story, we hear about the time Jesus became angry about injustice and greed happening at the temple.

Only God can see what’s in people’s hearts. As much as we may think we know what people are thinking or feeling, or why they make the decisions they do, only God truly knows the motivations and intentions of our hearts.

In today’s story, we hear about the time Jesus became angry about injustice and greed happening at the temple.