Children's Resources


In our elementary ministry, kids learn that God loves them no matter what, they can put their trust in Jesus, and what they say and do matters.

This month we are looking at what it means to have true joy. We want kids to understand that joy is about more than just their circumstances or the things they have. Joy is an attitude we can choose that stems from trusting God no matter what. Even when life feels hard, we can remember that God is always at work and that is where our joy comes from.

Joy | June 2, 2024 | Week 1

Our Bottom Line this week is: we can have joy because of Jesus. Jesus never promises that life will be easy, but as we will see in the story of the lost sheep found in Luke 15, his unending love for us is a source of true joy.

We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God and hear an amazing, true story from the Bible.

Joy | June 9, 2024, Week 2

This month we are looking at what it means to have true joy. We want kids to understand that joy is about more than just their circumstances or the things they have. Joy is an attitude we can choose that stems from trusting God no matter what. Even when life feels hard, we can remember that God is always at work and that is where our joy comes from.

Our Bottom Line this week is: make a habit of choosing joy. We will jump into the book of Deuteronomy and learn about the Feast of Booths. God gave his people instructions to remember and celebrate all he had done. Taking time to remember what God has done in our lives helps us to choose joy no matter what we face.

We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God and hear an amazing, true story from the Bible.

Joy | June 16, 2024, Week 3

In our elementary ministry, kids learn that God loves them no matter what, they can put their trust in Jesus, and what they say and do matters.

This month we are looking at what it means to have true joy. We want kids to understand that joy is about more than just their circumstances or the things they have. Joy is an attitude we can choose that stems from trusting God no matter what. Even when life feels hard, we can remember that God is always at work and that is where our joy comes from.

Our Bottom Line this week is: celebrate each step of the way. Many things don’t happen all at once, and it’s important to celebrate each little step you take, just like God’s people did in the rebuilding of the temple!

We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God and hear an amazing, true story from the Bible.