Children's Resources

The Look of Love

The Look of Love | Week 1 | August 7th, 2022

In this new series, we are checking out the Fruit of the Spirit. God’s Spirit works in us produces fruit like love, joy, peace, patience… and today’s focus… goodness! 
The Fruit of the Spirit isn’t meant to be kept to ourselves, it’s meant to be shared with others! Through the Holy Spirit, goodness is something we can become so we can share God’s goodness with others. 
We can share God’s goodness with others in so many ways, from sharing a smile with someone who is having a hard day, or sharing our toys with our siblings. Check out this week’s video to learn more about how we can share God’s goodness with others.

The Look of Love | Week 2 | August 14th, 2022

This month we are checking out the Fruit of the Spirit. God’s Spirit works in us and produces fruit like love, joy, peace, patience… and today’s focus… faithfulness! 

God always keeps his promises. He was faithful to the covenant he made with the Israelites, and he’s faithful to us too. God’s faithfulness looks like always keeps His word. God ALWAYS does what he says he is going to do.

For us, faithfulness can look like being trustworthy, or keeping our promises, just like God keeps his promises to us. But we aren’t always going to get it right, we make mistakes. God offers us grace when we mess up, and the strength to try again

The Look of Love | Week 3 | August 21st, 2022

This month we are checking out the Fruit of the Spirit. God’s Spirit works in us and produces fruit like love, joy, peace, patience… and today’s focus… gentleness! 

Using gentle words can be hard, especially when we are frustrated, feeling tired, or others aren’t being kind. Proverbs 12:18 says “The words of thoughtless people cut like swords. But the tongue of wise people brings healing.” Our words have power, they can bring encouragement to someone and build them up, or our words can cut them down and hurt them.

God can help us choose gentleness when speaking to others. When it’s hard to choose to use gentle words, we can ask God to help us. He is always with us, and will give us the right words to use!

The Look of Love | Week 4 | August 28th, 2022

This month we are checking out the Fruit of the Spirit. God’s Spirit works in us and produces fruit like love, joy, peace, patience… and today’s focus… self-control!

Self-control can be hard for us all. We need self-control in many areas of our lives. From caring for our bodies and eating a balance of the right foods, or using words that build others up and encourage them. Self-control is difficult for anyone, kids and adults!

2 Timothy 1:7 says “God gave us his Spirit. And the Spirit doesn’t make us weak and fearful. Instead, the Spirit gives us power and love. He helps us control ourselves.” God has given us the Holy Spirit to help guide us as we grow and become more like Jesus. When we stay close to him, the fruit of the Spirit grows in us!