Children's Resources

Initiative Series

This month we’re blasting into a brand new series all about initiative! This week, we’ll discover how one dirty sock can get in the way of a rocket launch, and why we don’t need to wait for someone else to do what needs to be done. Join us as we learn from the true story of Nehemiah from the Bible!

Wisdom | Week 1 | September 5, 2021

Join us as we blast into a brand new series all about initiative! This week, we’ll discover how one dirty sock can get in the way of a rocket launch, and why we don’t need to wait for someone else to do what needs to be done. Just like Nehemiah, who saw a need, prayed, and trusted God to help him tackle a big mission, we can take initiative too. And that’s not all—the journey continues! Be sure to tune in next week to find out what happens next in Nehemiah’s story.

Wisdom | Week 2 | September 12, 2021

All month long we’re exploring the book of Nehemiah and discovering what it means to take initiative. This week, our story takes a surprising turn, as a new problem brings Nehemiah’s mission to a grinding halt. What could possibly be important enough to stop the work? Join us as we learn how one person taking initiative can help to make things right.

Wisdom | Week 3 | September 19, 2021

This week, our team faces some unexpected distractions as we prepare for launch. Turns out staying focused on what needs to be done isn’t always easy! The same is true in Nehemiah’s story. Join us as we discover all the ways Nehemiah’s enemies tried to keep him from building the wall and how Nehemiah stayed focused on his mission.

Wisdom | Week 4 | September 26, 2021

We’re ready for launch! All month long we’ve been exploring the book of Nehemiah, discovering what happened when one man took initiative to rebuild the fallen walls around Jerusalem. With God’s help, Nehemiah and the people completed their mission in record time. What did they do next? They celebrated and thanked God, not just for helping them finish the wall, but for all the ways God had been with them. Just like Nehemiah, we have lots to celebrate!