Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday, April 14th | 7 p.m.
Summit Orlando and Summit Lake Mary
Good Friday, April 15th | 12 p.m.
Summit Orlando and Summit Lake Mary
Holy Week is the week leading up to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and resurrection on Easter, which is also the end of the Lenten season. It begins with Palm Sunday, marking Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, continuing on to the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday and his crucifixion on Good Friday. Our hope is that during Holy Week, we can each create space to recognize the grace, mercy, and love of Jesus' life and sacrifice. The story doesn't end with the cross but continues on Easter.
Join us in person at our Orlando and Lake Mary locations for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. Childcare will be available for ages 3 months – Kindergarten.