Friday, December 1st | 6:30 p.m.
Summit Orlando

Students and parents are invited to learn together from licensed mental health counselors. This year, participants will choose to attend one of two break-out sessions around the topics of screen time boundaries, anxiety, and building healthy friendships.

Our hope is that this seminar will help further your family’s conversations around mental health at home. Oh, and there will be snacks, too!

Break-out Session Choices:

Break-out Session #1: Anxiety

Cultivating a Family Culture that decreases anxiety and responds to it well.

Let’s get creative and curios about how you can shift your family culture to both protect against anxiety and respond well to it when it shows up.

Break-out Session #2: Social Media and Technology for (Pre)Teen.

Social Media and Technology for (Pre)Teens: Training Wheels Required.

Just like we don't give a child a bike and say, "good luck!", we don't give our pre-teens a phone or tablet without preparing them to use it wisely. But what do "training wheels" for technology look like and how can we help our kids use it safely and wisely? Come learn ways to confidently enter into and continue technology use, and promote their mental health throughout these crucial years.