Our worship team is made up of multiple bands with unique genres and repertoires. We ask every musician and vocalist to go through the audition process so we can know where you'll fit in best. Some of that will depend on style and ability, and some will depend on how available you are once we know you're ready and able to help lead worship. This whole process is really an effort to get to know you as a singer and/or player, and the first step is a questionnaire...
Step 1: Questionnaire
Click the appropriate button below and answer the questions so we can begin to get an idea of where you're coming from as an artist. Feel free to do both if you’re a superhuman who can sing and play at the same time and you want to audition for both. After you do this, we'll be in touch about setting up an audition.
Step 2: Song Selection
Prior to your audition, you'll pick a song or two to play and/or sing. Again, we want to know what your wheelhouse is so we can know how you can best contribute to existing bands or where you might fit in a not-yet-formed band. All vocalists are asked to learn the harmony part for Supreme Quales, Arbiter (either the high or low part)—it's not exactly an easy part to learn, but we want to see how you handle the challenge. If you'd like to play or sing something different than what you see below, feel free to browse our Soundcloud stream for other songs we sing and play at Summit. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Supreme Quales, Arbiter chart / Bb / sheet music
Rejoice chart / Bb
Open Up chart / B
Jeremiah's Prayer chart / G
Step 3: Audition
Once you’ve done the questionnaire and picked your song(s), we'll need to schedule your audition. Vocalists will likely audition off mic with piano accompaniment. Musicians will play with a full band for context. Once you fill out the appropriate form above, we’ll contact you to schedule your audition. Feel free to email us with any questions you might have. Thanks so much for wanting to serve here at Summit!