Children's Resources


In our elementary ministry, kids learn that God loves them no matter what, they can put their trust in Jesus, and what they say and do matters.

Christmas | December 3, 2023 | Week 1

This month we are getting in the Christmas spirit and celebrating Jesus, God’s greatest gift. God sent Jesus as our Rescuer so that we could have a relationship with God that lasts forever. During the month of December, we will be looking at important parts in the story of Jesus’ birth, and our hope is that kids will be able to clearly see God’s love for them woven throughout.

Our Bottom Line this week is: you can have hope because God is faithful. We will be looking way back in the Old Testament at the promise of the coming Savior that God made through the prophets Micah and Isaiah. Long before Jesus was born, God made a promise, and with Christmas we get to celebrate the fulfillment of that promise.

We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God and hear an amazing, true story from the Bible. After the video, be sure to check out the activity page for ways to connect with your child and keep the conversation going this week.

Christmas | December 10, 2023 | Week 2

This month we are getting in the Christmas spirit and celebrating Jesus, God’s greatest gift. God sent Jesus as our Rescuer so that we could have a relationship with God that lasts forever. During the month of December, we will be looking at important parts in the story of Jesus’ birth, and our hope is that kids will be able to clearly see God’s love for them woven throughout.

Our Bottom Line this week is: you can have peace because God has a plan. We will look in the book of Luke, chapter one, at the story of the angel Gabriel appearing to Mary. Although Mary was afraid, she also trusted God and had peace that his plan was good.

We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God and hear an amazing, true story from the Bible. After the video, be sure to check out the activity page for ways to connect with your child and keep the conversation going this week.

Christmas | December 17, 2023 | Week 3

This month we are getting in the Christmas spirit and celebrating Jesus, God’s greatest gift. God sent Jesus as our Rescuer so that we could have a relationship with God that lasts forever. During the month of December, we will be looking at important parts in the story of Jesus’ birth, and our hope is that kids will be able to clearly see God’s love for them woven throughout.

Our Bottom Line this week is: you can have joy because God sent Jesus. We will celebrate with joy as we look at the story of Jesus’ birth in Luke 2:1-7. God’s promise of rescue came true in the birth of his son, Jesus, and that is news that brings joy to the whole world!

We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God and hear an amazing, true story from the Bible. After the video, be sure to check out the activity page for ways to connect with your child and keep the conversation going this week.

Christmas | December 24, 2023 | Week 4

In our elementary ministry, kids learn that God loves them no matter what, they can put their trust in Jesus, and what they say and do matters.

This month we are getting in the Christmas spirit and celebrating Jesus, God’s greatest gift. God sent Jesus as our Rescuer so that we could have a relationship with God that lasts forever. During the month of December, we will be looking at important parts in the story of Jesus’ birth, and our hope is that kids will be able to clearly see God’s love for them woven throughout.

This week’s Bottom Line is: God’s love is for everyone. Who were the first people to learn that their Savior had been born? Shepherds! After Jesus’ birth, angels showed up to a group of shepherds, proclaiming the good news for all people.

We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God and hear an amazing, true story from the Bible. After the video, be sure to check out the activity page for ways to connect with your child and keep the conversation going this week.