Children's Resources


In our elementary ministry, kids learn that God loves them no matter what, they can put their trust in Jesus, and what they say and do matters.

Responsibility | January 7, 2024 | Week 1

This month we are talking about responsibility. What does it look like to be responsible with the way we live our lives? God is the Creator of all things and he has entrusted us to care for it. Our lives are full of moments where we can practice responsibility and reflect God to the world around us. Each week we will take a look at an aspect of responsibility and how we can live it out.

Our Bottom Line this week is: love God and love others. Jesus tells us that our first responsibility is to love God and love others; everything else stems from that.

We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God and hear an amazing, true story from the Bible.

Responsibility | January 14, 2024 | Week 2

This month we are talking about responsibility. What does it look like to be responsible with the way we live our lives? God is the Creator of all things and he has entrusted us to care for it. Our lives are full of moments where we can practice responsibility and reflect God to the world around us. Each week we will take a look at an aspect of responsibility and how we can live it out.

Our Bottom Line this week is: share what you have. We will look at a parable that Jesus told in Luke 12 about a man who kept all that he had for himself and did not consider others. What does it look like to love God and love others? It looks like sharing what you have.

We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God and hear an amazing, true story from the Bible.

Responsibility | January 21, 2024 | Week 3

This month we are talking about responsibility. What does it look like to be responsible with the way we live our lives? God is the Creator of all things and he has entrusted us to care for it. Our lives are full of moments where we can practice responsibility and reflect God to the world around us. Each week we will take a look at an aspect of responsibility and how we can live it out.

Our Bottom Line this week is: work hard. We will look at wisdom from King Solomon in the book of Proverbs. Like ants, we can work hard in all that we do and we can rest well. This honors God and inspires people. What does it look like to love God and love others? It looks like working hard.

Responsibility | January 28, 2024 | Week 4

This month we are talking about responsibility. What does it look like to be responsible with the way we live our lives? God is the Creator of all things and he has entrusted us to care for it. Our lives are full of moments where we can practice responsibility and reflect God to the world around us. Each week we will take a look at an aspect of responsibility and how we can live it out.

This week’s Bottom Line is: use your words wisely. We will look at Paul’s words to the Ephesians as he encourages them to recognize the power of their words. Our words matter; they can build others up or tear them down. What does it look like to love God and love others? It looks like using your words wisely.

We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God and hear an amazing, true story from the Bible.