Children's Resources

Daniel the Faithful

In this new series, we are learning from the book of Daniel, from the Old Testament. Daniel was a prophet, and God helped Daniel and his friends in some really incredible ways!

Daniel the Faithful | Week 1 | November 6th, 2022

This week we are reading Daniel 1. Daniel and his friends chose to eat differently than other people around them to show their faith in God. God loves our faith in action. We can show our faith in God by showing his love to others. We can choose to treat others with kindness and compassion. We can put our faith into action!

Daniel the Faithful | Week 2 | November 13th, 2022

In our story today we are reading Daniel 2. God gave Daniel the ability to interpret the King’s dream. When we stop to think about it, God is absolutely amazing, and he is at work in the world all around us. God can create and do things that are far beyond our wildest imaginations! When we quiet ourselves and pay attention to God at work in the world, we are able to know him better.

Daniel the Faithful | Week 3 | November 20th, 2022

In our story today we are reading Daniel 3. King Nebuchadnezzar ordered the people to bow down and worship a statue but Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego chose to worship the one, true God. The King had them thrown into a fiery furnace, but God was with them. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew that God had the power to save them, but even if he didn’t, they wanted to only worship God. 

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego put their faith into action, and they saw God perform an amazing miracle. When we put our faith into action, we get to be a part of God’s big plan too, and we get the opportunity to see God at work firsthand.