Children's Resources

Exodus: Wilderness

In this series, we are following the story of Moses and the Israelites as they roam the wilderness. This week we will look at Exodus 16-17:7. The Israelites grumbled and complained, and God provided for their every need. When they needed food, God gave them manna. When they needed water, God provided it. The Israelite people cried out to God, and he heard their prayers and provided for them. God heard the Israelite people’s prayers, and God hears our prayers too. Sometimes it feels like God doesn’t hear us when he doesn’t answer our prayers with an immediate “yes”, but we can trust that he does hear us, and that he loves us.

Exodus: Wilderness | Week 1 | October 2nd, 2022

In this series, we are following the story of Moses and the Israelites as they roam the wilderness. This week we will look at Exodus 16-17:7. The Israelites grumbled and complained, and God provided for their every need. When they needed food, God gave them manna. When they needed water, God provided it. The Israelite people cried out to God, and he heard their prayers and provided for them. God heard the Israelite people’s prayers, and God hears our prayers too. Sometimes it feels like God doesn’t hear us when he doesn’t answer our prayers with an immediate “yes”, but we can trust that he does hear us, and that he loves us.

Exodus: Wilderness | Week 2 | October 9th, 2022

In this series, we are following the story of Moses and the Israelites as they roam the wilderness. This week we will look at Exodus 18-24.

In our story today we hear about Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, who gave Moses some really great advice. Moses was struggling to lead all of the Israelite people on his own. Jethro told him to appoint leaders to help him lead the people, so that Moses didn’t have to do it all alone. 

Then God spoke to Moses and Aaron on Mount Sinai  and gave them the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments were instructions for the people on how to live God’s way. These instructions show us how to love God, and love people. 

The Israelites made mistakes, and they broke the rules God gave them. We break them too. God knew we could never be perfect, our sins keep us far from him. So, out of his love for us, God gave us Jesus to pay the price for our sins. Because of Jesus, we can be close to God. And God gives us his word, the Bible, to help us live His way.

Exodus: Wilderness | Week 3 | October 16th, 2022

In this series, we are following the story of Moses and the Israelites as they roam the wilderness. This week we will look at Exodus 25-31. God wanted to be close to the Israelites, so he had them create a sacred place for him to come down to them. Sin created this divide between God and his people, and the Tabernacle was a way for God to be close to them. The Tabernacle was this beautiful, holy place where God could be near to his people and they could be near to him. Jesus was the one to break the divide between God and his people, by dying on the cross for our sins. We can now be close to God anytime, no Tabernacle needed!

Exodus: Wilderness | Week 4 | October 23rd, 2022

This week we are continuing to study the Book of Exodus, as Moses was leading God’s people, the Israelites, out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. This week we are reading from Exodus 32-24. 

The Israelites made a lot of mistakes and at times they even forgot that they were God’s special family, and that God had big, wonderful plans for them. But even though they made mistakes and broke their promises to God, God loved them. His love for the Israelites was bigger than any of their mistakes. And that is true for us too. There is NOTHING that can separate us God’s love. 

After the video, be sure to check out the activity guide for more ways to help your family grow together:

Exodus: Wilderness | Week 5 | October 30th, 2022

This week we are wrapping up our Exodus series as we read from Exodus 35-36.