Children's Resources

God Has Plans For Me

In our preschool ministry, kids learn that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever.

God Has Plans For Me | Week 1 | October 2nd, 2022

In our preschool ministry, kids learn that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever.

This week we are learning about the story of Noah’s ark, in Genesis 6-7. God asked Noah to build a big boat, called an ark. Noah trusted God’s plans, and we can too. We can always trust God’s plans! We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God with singing and dancing. Then we’ll visit Ollie the Owl and our clubhouse friends to hear the amazing, true story from the Bible about how God has plans for us. After the video, be sure to check out the activity page and parent guide for ways to connect with your child and keep the conversation going this week.

God Has Plans For Me | Week 2 | October 9th, 2022

This week we continue looking at the story of Noah’s ark in Genesis 8-9:17. God put a rainbow in the sky, reminding Noah and his family of his promise to never flood the whole earth again. God kept his promise to Noah, and God keeps his promises to us. God always keeps his promises. We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God with singing and dancing. Then we’ll visit Ollie the Owl and our clubhouse friends to hear the amazing, true story from the Bible about how God always keeps his promises. After the video, be sure to check out the activity page and parent guide for ways to connect with your child and keep the conversation going this week.

God Has Plans For Me | Week 3 | October 16th, 2022

This week we’re looking at the life story of Joseph, found in Genesis 37 and Genesis 39-40. God had a plan for Joseph’s life, but it wasn’t always easy. Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers, and even sent to jail for something he didn’t do! Oh no! But God had a plan for Joseph, and God has a plan for you, too. We can trust God's plans, even when they are hard. We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God with singing and dancing. Then we’ll visit Ollie the Owl and our clubhouse friends to hear the amazing, true story from the Bible about how We can trust God's plans, even when they are hard. After the video, be sure to check out the activity page and parent guide for ways to connect with your child and keep the conversation going this week.

God Has Plans For Me | Week 4 | October 23rd, 2022

This week we are continuing to study the Book of Exodus, as Moses was leading God’s people, the Israelites, out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. This week we are reading from Exodus 32-24. 

The Israelites made a lot of mistakes and at times they even forgot that they were God’s special family, and that God had big, wonderful plans for them. But even though they made mistakes and broke their promises to God, God loved them. His love for the Israelites was bigger than any of their mistakes. And that is true for us too. There is NOTHING that can separate us God’s love. 

God Has Plans For Me | Week 5 | October 30th, 2022

In the final week of our series, we will review the stories of Noah’s ark and Joseph. God kept his promises to Noah, and God used Joseph to save a lot of people. God had a plan for Noah and Joseph, and God has a plan for you and me. God knows the plans he has for us, and even when we don’t understand God’s plans we can still trust God because he loves us so much! We can trust God’s plans. We hope your whole family will join in as we worship God with singing and dancing. Then we’ll visit Ollie the Owl and our clubhouse friends to hear the amazing, true story from the Bible about how we can trust God's plans. After the video, be sure to check out the activity page and parent guide for ways to connect with your child and keep the conversation going this week.