Children's Resources

Genesis: Joseph

Joseph | Week 1 | September 4th, 2022

This month we are learning about Joseph, and his story as it is recorded in the book of Genesis. Joseph’s life story is filled with a lot of unexpected twists and turns. Joseph wasn’t the “hero” anyone would expect. He wasn’t the fastest, or the oldest, or the smartest. He was just an ordinary guy. But God had a plan for Joseph, and he has a plan for each of us too. Join us as we explore this true story from the Bible, and learn that everyone has a part to play in God’s story.

Joseph | Week 2 | September 11th, 2022

This month we are learning about Joseph, and his story as it is recorded in the book of Genesis. Joseph’s life story is filled with a lot of unexpected twists and turns. God gave Joseph a dream for his life, and God does the same for us. Sometimes the dreams God gives us feel bigger than we can accomplish, but God is with us and he will work with us and through us to accomplish that dream. Join us as we continue to explore Joseph’s life story, and learn that when God gives us a dream, he will see it through.

Joseph | Week 3 | September 18th, 2022

This month we are learning about Joseph, and his story as it is recorded in the book of Genesis. Joseph’s life story is full of so many ups and downs. In this next part of Joseph’s story we hear about how Joseph was sold as a slave. Later on he was accused of doing something wrong that he didn’t actually do, and was sent to prison. Even though it was hard, Joseph trusted that God had a plan. Even when things didn’t look good for Joseph, God was always with him. 

When we are going through difficult times, God is with us and he cares for us. No matter what we are going through or how we are feeling, God is with us. We can always trust him, because he cares for us. 

Joseph | Week 4 | September 25th, 2022

This week we are finishing up our series where we are learning about Joseph and his story as it is recorded in the book of Genesis. Joseph’s life story is full of so many twists and turns! Joseph went from being his father’s favorite son, to being sold as a slave by his brothers. He was put in prison, even though he was innocent. He was wrongly accused of crimes he didn’t commit. But through it all, God had a plan for Joseph. This week we see how God helped Joseph interpret Pharaoh's dreams. Through interpreting those dreams, God used Joseph to help save a lot of people’s lives. 
God partnered with Joseph while he was in prison and he used him to save the lives of many people. God can partner with us in amazing ways, even when we least expect it. He can partner with us on the school bus, in the grocery store, or while we are at work. God can partner with us anywhere!